Sunday, July 3, 2011

Re-group and Re-focus

It's time to shake off the funk that Table Rock put on me and focus on the next event.  Lord willing Friday I will be headed to Ft. Madison, IA for a FLW Outdoors BFL.  This year the Illini division scheduled an event at Ft. Madison, on the Mississippi River.  I'm looking forward to getting back on the river, I haven't fished there since August of 2009 when I competed in a Stren Series event.  I was blessed to have finished well in that event, and am hoping my good relationship with the river continues.  One issue that has me somewhat concerned is the high water levels.  The areas around FT. Madison, and many areas up stream have been inundated with rain, large quantities of rain and it has the river up in a big way.  Hopefully I'll be able to pulll a rabbit out of my hat and catch a few, or more accurately stated, Lord willing, I'll have a good finish and leave Ft. Madison in good shape in the points race.  I'll keep ya posted on how it goes.
God Bless,

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