Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Spent some time on Shelbyville

I got to spend a day on Shelbyville last week.  Actually, to my surprise, the fishing was ok.  I didn't get very many bites, but most of the bistes I did get were keepers, so I'm somewhat encouraged about this next tournament.  I'd like to say I'm pretty fired up about it, but having played this tournament game enough, I know that a lot of things can change between now and tournament day.  I caught seven keeper fish (big enough to make the 14" minimum lenght requirement), I caught all of them on a Norman DD 22 crankbait.  Which, is another reason I'm a little bit excited, I really like deep cranking, I doin't always have an opportunity to do so, so when I do it's a refreshing change.  Anyway, we'll see how my practice plays out in real-time on Saturday.  I'd like to think everything will stay together, and overall I think it will.  It'll be a situation where I have to pay attention to where and how my bites come to determine exactly how the fish are positioned, if I am capable of figuring that out, I should be in good shape!  Lord willing I will be.
God Bless,

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