Friday, November 12, 2010

I got some great news...

I recently got the privilege to join the Powell Rods Pro-Staff, and am I ever excited.  Powell Rods is a west coast based company, that makes not only some of the best rods on the market, they make them at a very affordable price point. Personally, I think they are one of the best values in the fishing rod market today.
For the last month I have put some serious time on the water with my new fleet of rods, and I have no complaints.  I'm usually pretty candid about products I use and their capabilities, regardless of my relationship with the company.  I have to admit, these rods exceeded my expectations, they are an extremely sweet rod, regardless of cost.  With only a month of use under my belt and hunting season around the corner, I guess I'll have to wait until spring to put some serious time on them.  But that's ok, I know they'll be ready when we go!  I'll leave you with a picture of the "new crew", they are nice!
God Bless,



Basspastor said...

I will probably be adding a rod this winter, a used rod most likely, and I was thinking Powell until I looked at their warrenty. Can't say I blame Powell for their original owner only policy, but that was a deal breaker for me. I am surprized their rods resale for what they do with that warrenty. That does speak to the quality of the rod that people will shell out $100+ with no warrenty.

Duke Jenkel said...

Hey BP, Actually, there is a warranty with these rods. It can viewed at If you are intending to buy, or are looking at a used Powell, contact the company and ask them, there is warranty contact information on their website. I'm sure they would be glad to answer any questions, don't overlook a good buy wihtout knowing all of the warranty details. I'd say give 'em a call.

Mike Folkestad said...

Duke...congrats on the sponsor deal!!!! You will do a great job representing them.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you...congrats!