Monday, October 18, 2010

The season is over...

Last week's PAA event marked the last tournament on my schedule.  Unfortunately, I was unable to attend, so minus a buddy tournament or two, the 2010 fishing season is over for me.  That's a bummer!  I'll spend the next few weeks storing tackle, checking inventories of baits, and trying to decide what direction to go next year.  I have a couple of leads on potential sponsors, they're slim chances though.  This is the area of fishing that I have had the most difficulty in getting going.  I have been able to acquire several tackle sponsors, Lunker Lure and Hawg Caller Baits, my newest sponsor Powell Rods ( , even with over 22 million media impressions in the last two years, it has been difficult to acquire any paying sponsors.  So, It looks like, Lord willing, I'll start 2011 with enough revenue to get the year started and see if anything materializes.  I'll just have to let the Lord guide the business, and do my part with preparatory work.  On a bright note, duck season is about 5 weeks away, and it looks like we are in position to have a fantastic season.  I'll post more about that later.
God Bless,

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