Monday, January 30, 2012

Talking Fishing...

I spent some time the other evening with the local 4H club, talking a little fishing.  We discussed not only fishing in general, but professional fishing as well.  How the whole tournament process works, how you prepare, that sort of stuff.  We also talked about fun fishing, the lures and techniques that work very well when you just want to go out and catch a few fish.  All in all it was a great time, with a lot of great questions.  So I'd like to give a special thanks to the PC Panthers 4H club for allowing me to come and spend some time with them.  
One last note, if your not familiar with the Anglers Legacy, take a minute an go to look it over, see what you can do.
God Bless,

 Here's a few pics from the other night....

Deep in thought...

Lots of youngsters, its never to early to introduce them to fishing

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