Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I've been surfin' around the web...

I got home from my last tournament and took a day off, sort of.  I spent the day working on office stuff, and did a little surfin' on the web.  Of course it was looking at fishing related stuff, tackle retailers, fishing news websites, and personal websites of anglers.  So, in no particular order is a run down of what I would call some of my favorite sites to check out...For those of you whom I may have missed, I apologize...

1. Bass Tackle Depot (http://www.basstackledepot.com/) They are an on-line retailer, they have everything!

2. Bass Factory (http://www.bassfactory.com/) Very educational site, covers news, views, and how-to's

3. Chad Morgenthaler (http://www.chadmorgenthaler.com/) Good friend of mine, I traveled with Chad for a couple years, he's got a very good site, with good fishing information on it.

4. Mark Rose (http://www.roseoutdoors.com/) Travel buddy and fellow PAA Pro, great guy, fantastic fisherman

5. Wired2Fish (http://www.wired2fish.com/) Terry Brown and crew do a great job of covering the daily happenings in the bass fishing world.

6. Tami Curtis (http://tamicurtis.blogspot.com/) West coast co-angler, always has a great insight into the west coast happennings.

7. Glenn Walker (http://www.fishglenn.com/) Glenn lives in MN, he's a good young angler who also has some great tips on his website.

8. Chris Ricci (http://www.chris-ricci.com/) another West coast stick, Chris also provides a great look into the west coast world of bass fishing.

9. Future Bass (http://www.futurebass.com/) I spend a fair amount of time on their message forum, mostly upper midwest anglers, but overall a good informative site.

10. Bass Fan (http://www.bassfan.com/) Another site that covers the news and views from the fishing industry.

Enjoy your surfin'!
God Bless,


Dustin's Fly Box said...

I took the time and checked these all out! Thanks for sharing!! Great blog! You got a new follower

Duke Jenkel said...

Thanks Dustin! Glad to have ya following.

Anonymous said...

Hey Duke! Thanks for the mention...6 is my lucky number! There are some sites I haven't seen yet on your list....I'll have to check them out.

Duke Jenkel said...

Hey TC...How could I not mention ya?