Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Things are heating up!

The title of the post sums up just about everything I'm going to talk about, it accurately describes the water temps, the air temps and of course the fishing here in Southern IL.  I spent the day on the lake yesterday, trying to get myself conditioned for the upcoming tournament season.  Thanks to some great work with the physical therapist I believe I can go all day and not feel too wiped out.  With that being said, there are some times that your main purpose for the trip actually becomes secondary, like yesterday, when warming water temps and hungry bass lined up perfectly.  After a somewhat rough start to the day, we managed to locate and catch several really nice fish.  Water temps were running in the low to mid-fifties, which has some of the bass in my local lake pulling up and staging on what I like to call early pre-spawn locations.  We hit a stretch in the afternoon, where you could call your shot.  I've posted a few pics of yesterday's trip.  I caught all of my fish on an Excalibur Xr50 in Rayburn Red, using 12lb Maxima ultragreen monofilament on a Powell Rods 703CB Glass.  All I can say is we had a blast!  Hope you enjoy the pictures.
God Bless,

First one of the day

Best of the day...pushed 6.5 lbs

Last good one of the trip...great way to end it!


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