Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A little catch-up...

Well, once again I'm behind on my blogging.  So, I'll give you a run-down of what has taken place over the last several months:
Currently in the BFLs (a Saturday only circuit operated by FLW Outdoors) I'm currently in third place in the points for my division, having fished three of the five regular season events. I have two very good tournaments and one decent finish.

On the Professional Anglers Association Tour (PAA Tour) I'm 27th in the points, currently 32 points of the qualification mark for the Toyota Texas Bass Classic.  I've had two pretty decent tournaments, not spectacular, but decent.

Our high school team has had two of their three qualifying tournaments, with number three scheduled for this Saturday.  It's looking like we've got a good crop of young anglers this year.  That'll make for some exciting tournaments this fall and next spring.

Lord willing I'm headed to the Ohio River at Golconda this Friday, to do a little pre-practicing for my upcoming BFL on August 10th.  After that it will be off to Table Rock Lake in Branson, MO for the third stop of the PAA tour, the tournament dates are September 2-7th.  Lord willing the next 40 days will be prosperous ones.  A good finish at Table Rock should qualify me for the 2013 TTBC.

I appreciate everyone's patience as they stop by to read my blog and realize it hasn't been updated.  I promise to do a better job of that in the upcoming weeks.
God Bless,